Located in Lichfield, Locator IO92cq
I live in a built up area near Cannock Chase a large managed woodland.
CQ Zone 14
ITU Zone 27

I am QRV on all bands from 80M to 70cms all modes including FT8 FT4 PSK31 JT65 JT9 ROS OLIVIA OPERA HELL WSPR RTTY SSTV SSB CW FM D-Star, DMR and C4FM
I only operate QRP power all QSOs are at 10W or less most at 5W or less.
The Data Mode parts of the bands are where you will find me most of the time, I hope to see you on my screen at some point.
SSTV, RTTY, JT65A, JT9, FT8, FT4, Contestia/Olivia, ROS, BPSK & QPSK, MFSK, MT63, SIM31, Hell, Thor, Throb and some others.
My main data mode software is WSJT, WSJT-X, Fldigi, sim_psk, MMSSTV, MRP4066 and Multipsk.
For logging, rig control etc. I use the DXLab Suite and for contesting N1MM.
For HF I use a variety of vertical whip antenna or long wires. For VHF a 5 Element Yagi and co-linear for 2 & 70cms FM.
I look forward to hearing from you on air, via email or QSL card. If we have already worked, thank you for the QSO and hope to meet you again on the bands.
Contact from SWLs welcome, I used to be RS91568. I will always QSL by whatever means you prefer (but only if you provide the callsign of my QSO partner)
RSGB Member for many years.
RAYNET member holding the Group callsign G4SRG on behalf of Stafford RAYNET
Stafford Repeater Group member
PODXS 70 #276
DMC #07026
EPC #22963
CDG #1289
NDG #1851
BDM #4421
30MDG #6761
FHC #4656
BARTG #9090
BSSTV #926
Worked All Britain #11301 SFD SK00
I upload all QSOs to QRZ, LoTW, eQSL and ClubLog usually the day of the QSO. Email me if you need to check a QSO.
I send QSL cards via the Bureau if asked and respond to any I receive. I respond to all direct QSL cards, just enclose an addressed envelope and 2xUSD.
Although I use eQSL and LoTW I still love to receive qsl cards so please send me yours.

Digital Modes
Icom ID-51E Plus
DV-MEGA, RPi3 running MMDVM Pi-Star
CCS7 2352762
Mostly listening on REF001 C or DCS005M
Tytera MD380
ZumSpot, RPi3 running MMDVM Pi-Star
DMR-ID 2352762
Mostly monitoring Brandmaster 4400/4402, TG91 or DMR+ 4409
FT2DE and FDM400
JumboSpot, RPi3 running MMDVM Pi-Star
Mostly monitoring FCS001 Module 55 or CQ-UK Wires-X Room 27793 kindly provided by Stuart M0SGS
Raspberry Pi 2 running the RPi2-3 Version 1.02beta Allstar – March 26, 2016 – WA3DSP, KB4FXC, W0AMN image
Node 43397 mostly on listening on HUBNet 41522
(Currently Offline)
Use the following to check if you are in my log and request a Direct card if you wish. NOTE: G7HJX & G7HJX/QRP have separate lookups.